Distributed and Intelligent Space System Lab
Zhang Yulin    张育林                      
(1) Intelligent space system and space robot
Related research includes on-orbit mission planning and operation of intelligent autonomous spacecraft, spacecraft navigation and control based on deep learning and reinforcement learning, autonomous mobile robot in microgravity environment and extreme terrain of extraterrestrial objects, human robot cooperation for space station and the surface of extraterrestrial objects, multi-robot cluster operation, etc.
(2) Distributed spacecraft system and technology
For advanced space missions such as giant satellite constellations, spacecraft cluster flights, spacecraft rendezvous and near-space flights, related technologies are studied, including configuration design and mission planning of new-concept distributed space systems, modeling and analysis of distributed space systems, relative dynamics and control for spacecrafts, relative navigation of distributed spacecraft, reconstruction and collision avoidance control, etc.
(3) Space resource and industrialization
Related research includes deep space exploration system and technology based on micro and nano satellites, exploitation and utilization technology for extraterrestrial resources, ascent and descent land system and technology of celestial bodies, system design and modeling analysis of space infrastructure, modeling and analysis of space economic, modeling and optimization of trans-atmospheric vehicle systems, etc.

(1) 智能航天系统与太空机器人
(2) 分布式航天器系统与技术
(3) 太空资源与太空工业化

Journal Papers:
[1] Rui Zhang, Yulin Zhang, Xueyang Zhang. Tracking In-Cabin Astronauts Using Deep Learning and Head Motion Clues[J]. IEEE Access, 9(2021): 2680-2693
[2] Daxi Zhang, Yulin Zhang. Multidisciplinary design and optimization of an innovative nano air launch vehicle with a twin-fuselage UAV as carrier aircraft[J]. Acta Astronautica, 170(2020): 397-411
[3] Yulin Zhang, Zhaohui Dang, Li Fan, Zhaokui Wang. A rapid method for calculating maximal and minimal inter-satellite distances[J]. Advances in Space Research, 59(2017): 401–412
[4] Zhang Yulin, Wang Zhaokui. Space traffic safety management and control[J] . IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17(2016):1189-1192.
[5] Zhaohui Dang, Yulin Zhang. Control Design and Analysis of an Inner-Formation Flying System[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 51(3): 1621-1634, 2015
[6] Yulin Zhang, Jae H. Chung, Steven A. Velinsky, Variable structure control of a differentially steered wheeled mobile robot[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 36: 301–314, 2003.
[7] Yulin Zhang, Daehie Hong, Jae H Chung, Steven A Velinsky, Dynamic model based robust tracking control of a differentially steered wheeled mobile robot, Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36207), Vol.2, 850-855, 1998/6/26.
[8] Yulin Zhang, Jianjun Wu, Minchao Huang, Hengwei Zhu, Qizhi Chen, Liquid-propellant rocket engine health-monitoring techniques[J]. Journal of propulsion and power, Vol.14, No.5, pp.657-663, 1998/9.
[9] Y. L Zhang, S. A. Velinsky,X. Feng,On the tracking control of differentially steered wheeled mobile robots[J]. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Vol. 119:455-461,September 1997.
[10] Y. L. Zhang, M. Hubbard, R. K. Huffman, optimum control of bobsled steering[J]. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, VoL 85, No. 1, pp. 1-19, APRIL 1995.
[11] Yu-Lin Zhang, Jing-Chang Gao, Chun-Hui Zhou, Optimal regulation of non-linear systems[J]. International Journal of Control, Vol.50, No.3, pp.993-1000, 1989/9/1.
[12] Yu-Lin Zhang, State-space analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a variable thrust liquid propellant rocket engine[J]. Acta Astronautica, Vol.11, No.7-8, pp.535-541, 1984/7/1.

Book chapters:
[1] 张育林.地月空间工程[M],国防工业出版社,2021.
[2] 张育林,王兆魁, 刘红卫. 地球重力场天基测量理论及其内编队实现方法[M]. 科学出版社, 2018.
[3] 张育林. 航天发射项目管理[M]. 国防工业出版社, 2012.
[4] 张育林, 曾国强, 王兆魁, 郝继刚. 分布式卫星系统原理与应用[M]. 科学出版社, 2008.
[5] 张育林, 范丽, 张艳, 项军华. 卫星星座理论与设计[M]. 科学出版社, 2008.
[6] 张育林, 刘昆, 程谋森. 液体火箭发动机动力学理论与应用[M]. 科学出版社, 2005.
[7] 张育林, 变推力液体火箭发动机及其控制技术[M]. 国防工业出版社, 2001.

Zhang Yulin, Doctor of Engineering, double employed professor of Tsinghua University, professor of National University of Defense Technology, Qiushi Professor of Zhejiang University, consultant professor of Northwestern Polytechnical University. His research focuses on intelligent aerospace systems and space robots, distributed spacecraft system and technology, space resource and space industrialization.
Zhang graduated from National University of Defense Technology with a bachelor’s degree in engineering in 1981. He graduated from National University of Defense Technology with a master’s degree in engineering in 1984. He received a doctor’s degree in engineering from Zhejiang University. He once served as deputy commander in chief of China Manned Space Engineering Office, president of National University of Defense Technology, director of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, president of Academy of Equipment Command and Technology, president of the graduate school of National University of Defense Technology and director of the Department of Aerospace Technology. He has won the National Technological Invention Award, the National Scientific and Technological Progress Award, more than 10 provincial and ministerial science and technology awards. He has published more than 400 papers, published 13 monographs, and held 43 patents.
