Journal Papers:
[1] Rui Zhang, Yulin Zhang, Xueyang Zhang. Tracking In-Cabin Astronauts Using Deep Learning and Head Motion Clues[J]. IEEE Access, 9(2021): 2680-2693
[2] Daxi Zhang, Yulin Zhang. Multidisciplinary design and optimization of an innovative nano air launch vehicle with a twin-fuselage UAV as carrier aircraft[J]. Acta Astronautica, 170(2020): 397-411
[3] Yulin Zhang, Zhaohui Dang, Li Fan, Zhaokui Wang. A rapid method for calculating maximal and minimal inter-satellite distances[J]. Advances in Space Research, 59(2017): 401–412
[4] Zhang Yulin, Wang Zhaokui. Space traffic safety management and control[J] . IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17(2016):1189-1192.
[5] Zhaohui Dang, Yulin Zhang. Control Design and Analysis of an Inner-Formation Flying System[J]. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 51(3): 1621-1634, 2015
[6] Yulin Zhang, Jae H. Chung, Steven A. Velinsky, Variable structure control of a differentially steered wheeled mobile robot[J]. Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems, 36: 301–314, 2003.
[7] Yulin Zhang, Daehie Hong, Jae H Chung, Steven A Velinsky, Dynamic model based robust tracking control of a differentially steered wheeled mobile robot, Proceedings of the 1998 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No. 98CH36207), Vol.2, 850-855, 1998/6/26.
[8] Yulin Zhang, Jianjun Wu, Minchao Huang, Hengwei Zhu, Qizhi Chen, Liquid-propellant rocket engine health-monitoring techniques[J]. Journal of propulsion and power, Vol.14, No.5, pp.657-663, 1998/9.
[9] Y. L Zhang, S. A. Velinsky,X. Feng,On the tracking control of differentially steered wheeled mobile robots[J]. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control Vol. 119:455-461,September 1997.
[10] Y. L. Zhang, M. Hubbard, R. K. Huffman, optimum control of bobsled steering[J]. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, VoL 85, No. 1, pp. 1-19, APRIL 1995.
[11] Yu-Lin Zhang, Jing-Chang Gao, Chun-Hui Zhou, Optimal regulation of non-linear systems[J]. International Journal of Control, Vol.50, No.3, pp.993-1000, 1989/9/1.
[12] Yu-Lin Zhang, State-space analysis of the dynamic characteristics of a variable thrust liquid propellant rocket engine[J]. Acta Astronautica, Vol.11, No.7-8, pp.535-541, 1984/7/1.
Book chapters:
[1] 张育林.地月空间工程[M],国防工业出版社,2021.
[2] 张育林,王兆魁, 刘红卫. 地球重力场天基测量理论及其内编队实现方法[M]. 科学出版社, 2018.
[3] 张育林. 航天发射项目管理[M]. 国防工业出版社, 2012.
[4] 张育林, 曾国强, 王兆魁, 郝继刚. 分布式卫星系统原理与应用[M]. 科学出版社, 2008.
[5] 张育林, 范丽, 张艳, 项军华. 卫星星座理论与设计[M]. 科学出版社, 2008.
[6] 张育林, 刘昆, 程谋森. 液体火箭发动机动力学理论与应用[M]. 科学出版社, 2005.
[7] 张育林, 变推力液体火箭发动机及其控制技术[M]. 国防工业出版社, 2001.