This new crusher part introduces German high-end technology and is a small, light and easy to operate machine

Dr. Wang Zhaokui has been working as professor (tenured in 2022) in Tsinghua University since 2009 in the field of spacecraft formation flying, system engineering of space scientific satellite. He is the head of Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, founder and director of Distributed and Intelligent Space System Laboratory (DSSL). He received Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in aerospace engineering from National University of Defense Technology (China)..

Dr. Wang's research focus on small satellite of scientific exploration and enabling technology of distributed space systems. He is chief designer of Tsinghua Scientific Satellite (Q-Sat) which launched on Aug 6th in 2020. He devotes his efforts on intersection of advanced astrodynamics, space mission analysis and design, and multi-agent control of spacecraft in order to meet the urgent needs in these novel space architectures. The most recent concept proposed by Dr. Wang is a personal assistant satellite for astronauts in Chinese Space Station.

Journal Papers

[1] Yunhan, He, Wang Zhaokui*, and Zhang Yulin. "The electromagnetic separation system for the small spherical satellite Q-SAT." Acta Astronautica (2021).

[2] Li, Taibo, Zhaokui Wang*, and Yulin Zhang. "A homotopy approach connecting time-optimal with fuel-optimal trajectories." Astrophysics and Space Science 366.1 (2021): 1-9.

[3] Qingyun, Fang, Zhang Lin, and Wang Zhaokui*. "An Efficient Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 93058-93068.

[4] G. Lingyun, Z. Lin and W. Zhaokui*, "Hierarchical Attention-Based Astronaut Gesture Recognition: A Dataset and CNN Model," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 68787-68798, 2020.

[5] Zhao, Xuexuan, Zhaokui Wang, and Gangtie Zheng. "Two-Phase Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Reinforcement Learning for Agile Satellite Scheduling." Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17.7 (2020): 346-357.

[6] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Low thrust Earth–Moon transfer trajectories via lunar capture set.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.12 (2019): 219.

[7] 方青云,王兆魁. "基于改进 YOLOv3 网络的遥感目标快速检测方法." 上海航天 36.5 (2019): 21-27.

[8] 段建锋, 刘勇, 李勰, 陈明,王兆魁. "“嫦娥 4 号” 中继星任务轨道确定问题初探.[J]" 深空探测学报 5, no. 6 (2019): 531-538.

[9] 段建锋, 李勰, 李翠兰, and 王兆魁. "“嫦娥 4 号” 中继星使命轨道段定轨计算与分析.[J]" 深空探测学报 2019  03 (2019): 247-253.

[10] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Bounded flight and collision avoidance control for satellite clusters using intersatellite flight bounds.[J]" Aerospace Science and Technology 94 (2019): 105425.

[11] Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Double-homotopy technique for fuel optimization of power-limited interplanetary trajectories.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.9 (2019): 144.

[12] Zhao, Xuexuan, Wang Zhaokui, Cui Yanzhe, Zheng Gangtie. "Novel Ontology-Based Method for Generating Satellite Cluster’s Task Configuration.[J]" Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17, no. 2 (2020): 86-96.

[13] Duan Jianfeng, Wang Zhaokui*. "Orbit determination of CE-4′ s relay satellite in Earth-Moon L2 libration point orbit[J]." Advances in Space Research 64.11 (2019): 2345-2355.

[14] Zhao Zeyang, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "A Spherical Micro Satellite Design and Detection Method for Upper Atmospheric Density Estimation. [J]" International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2019 (2019).

[15] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Decomposition analysis of spacecraft relative motion with different inter-satellite ranges.[J]" Acta Astronautica 163 (2019): 56-68.

[16] Wang Xun, Wang Zhaokui *, Zhang Yulin. "Automated Orbital Transfer and Hovering Control Using Artificial Potential.[J]" Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (2019).

[17] Zilong, Cheng, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. "Analysis and optimization of lunar exploration architecture based on reusable human spacecraft." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 56.3 (2019): 910-918.

[18] Zhang Binbin, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Discrete evolution model based on mean spatial density for space debris environment.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.4 (2019): 70.

[19] Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui *, Zhang Yulin. "A person-following nanosatellite for in-cabin astronaut assistance: System design and deep-learning-based astronaut visual tracking implementation.[J]" Acta Astronautica (2019)121-134

[20] Zhao Zeyang, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Low magnetic disturbance analysis and testing of a novel proof mass type for gravitational reference sensor system.[J]" Advances in Mechanical Engineering 11.2 (2019): 1687814019828455.

[21] Wang Zhaokui*, Hou Zhendong*, Zhang Yulin. "Improvement of the Long-Term Orbit Prediction for LEO Navigation Satellites Using the Inner Formation Method.[J]" IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55.5 (2019): 2532-2542.

[22] Wang Zhaokui, Xu Yun*, Jiang Chao, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control for satellite clusters using artificial potential function in terms of relative orbital elements[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology 84(2019) 799-811.

[23] Wang Xun, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Stereovision-based relative states and inertia parameter estimation of noncooperative spacecraft.[J]" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 233.7 (2019): 2489-2502.

[24] Xun Wang, Zhaokui Wang*, Yulin Zhang. Model Predictive Control to Autonomously Approach a Failed Spacecraft[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering(2018)

[25] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Analytical Design Methods for Transfer Trajectories between the Earth and the Lunar Orbital Station[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, (2018)363:206

[26] 张锐,王兆魁. 基于深度学习的空间站舱内服务机器人视觉跟踪研究[J]. 上海航天. 2018.10

[27] 王啸臻,王兆魁,张育林. 基于相关峰细化延时估计的舱内服务机器人发话人定位研究[J],上海航天. 2018.10

[28] Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Multi-objective trajectory optimization for a hybrid propulsion system[J].Advances in Space Research, 622018):1102-1113

[29] Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Astronaut Visual Tracking of Flying Assistant Robot in Space Station based on Deep Learning and Probabilistic Model[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018. 

[30] 张育林, 张斌斌,王兆魁. "空间碎片环境的长期演化建模方法.[J]" 宇航学报 39.12 (2018): 1408-1418.

[31] 高永飞, 王兆魁. 微纳卫星L1Halo轨道转移轨道设计[J]. 深空探测学报, 2017, 4(1): 72-76.

[32] 王训, 王兆魁, 张育林.基于合作博弈的智能集群自主聚集策略[J].国防科技大学学报, 201739(2): 146-151.

[33] Zhang Bingbin,Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Collision risk investigation for an operational spacecraft caused by space debris[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science,362(4) April 2017.SCI 000396814300010/1.678/0

[34] An Meiyan*, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control strategy for asteroid intelligent detection swarm based on attraction and repulsion. Acta Astronautica, 130(2017).84-96. (SCI 000389283900010/1.155/0 EI 20164703026630)

[35] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Innovative Optical Power Detection Array System for Relative Positioning of Inner-Formation Flying System [J]. Astrophysics and Space Science,Vol.316, No.9 (2016):313 .SCI 000382146100036/1.678/0

[36] 张斌斌,王兆魁,张育林. 空间物体解体碎片云的长期演化建模与分析[J].中国空间科学技术, 2016,36(5):1-8.

[37] Wei ZHENG, Zhaokui WANG, Yanwei DING, Zhaowei LI. Accurate Establishment of Error Models for the Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Recovery and Requirements Analysis for the Future GOCE Follow-On Mission[J]. Acta Geophysica, vol. 64, no. 3, June 2016, pp. 732-754. (SCI 000378063700009/1.061/0)

[38] Taibo LiJunhua XiangZhaokui WangYulin Zhang. Circluar revisit orbits design for responsive mission over a single target. Acta Astronautica, 127(2016).219-225. SCI 000383525100021/1.155/3/3  EI 20162402495847

[39] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Position Determination and Measurement Error Analysis for the Spherical Proof Mass with Optical Shadow Sensing [J]. Acta Astronautica, 126(2016) 215-228,SCI 000382412200024/1.155/1/0  EI 20162002379163.

[40] An MeiyanWang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin.Self-organizing strategy design and validation for integrated air-ground detection swarm. Jorunal of systems engineering and electronics.Vol.27, No.5,(2016) 1018-1027 SCI 000387629100010/0.568/0  EI 20165203186050

[41] Zhang Binbin, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. An analytic method of space debris cloud evolution and its collision evaluation for constellation satellites, Advances in Space Research, 58(2016) 903-913.SCI 000381837900009/1.409/0  EI 20162802578365

[42] 安梅岩,王兆魁,张育林. 人工智能集群控制演示验证系统. 机器人,Vol.38,No.3(2016) 265-275 (EI 20163602766351)

[43] Hongwei Liu, Zhaokui Wang*, Yulin Zhang. The analytical methods for gravity field measurement performance of satellite formation[J]. Int. J. Space Science and Engineering, Vol.4 No.1, 2016

[44] Zhang Yulin*, Wang Zhaokui*. Space Traffic Safety Management and Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 17(2016) 1189-1192 SCI000373133600028, IF2.337/0  EI 20162202448205

[45] Dang Zhaohui, Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Bounds on maximal and minimal distances for coplanar satellite relative motion under given initial conditions[J], AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 46(2015),204-209 (SCI: 000363345500021/1.751/1/0  EI 20153301169334)

[46] 侯振东, 王兆魁, 张育林. 纯引力轨道检验质量的相对测量技术.力学进展, 2015, 45: 201509: 496-520 EI20154601556823

[47] Zhaohui Dang, Taibo Li, Zhaokui Wang, Yulin Zhang. Bounds on maximal and minimal distances for coplanar satellite relative motion under given initial conditions[J]Aerospace Science and Technology, October–November 2015, 46: 204–209.  

[48] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Development of the New Approach of Formation Initialization Using Spring Separation Mechanism Considering J2 Perturbation[J]. Advances in Space Research, 55(2015)2616-2627SCI000355024600013/1.409/2/2  EI 20151100646050

[49] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang YulinImproved Initialization Conditions and Single Impulsive Maneuvers for J2-Invariant Relative Orbits[J]. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2015,121(3), 301-327 [SCI:000349237800005](IF:2.084)/1/1

[50] 侯振东,王兆魁,张育林. 基于推力器的组合航天器质量特性辨识方法研究[J].航天控制. Vol.33,No.1(2015)

[51] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 星星跟踪重力场测量任务优化设计方法[J]. 测绘通报, 2015(1): 2-7.

[52] An Meiyan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A Hardware-in-Loop Simulation System for Fractionated Spacecraft Cluster[J]. Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology 1-2(2015). 61-69

[53] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of Relative Hovering Control for Spacecraft. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, (2014)37, 1091-1102 [SCI:000338016500005/1.291/9/9,EI:20142817913096]

[54] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and analysis of the bounds of periodical satellite relative motion, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics[J], (2014)37, 1984-1998. [SCI: 000343924400018/1.291/5/2,EI: 201444134233]

[55] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内编队重力场测量系统轨道参数与载荷指标设计方法[J].地球物理学进展,201328(4)PP1707~1713

[56] 杨雪榕, 范丽, 王兆魁. 武器装备体系平行实验概念与方法的讨论[J],国防科技,Vol34No32013

[57] Liu Hongwei, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of Earth's Gravity Field Measurement Performance by Inner-formation Flying System. Advances in Space Research522013pp451-465(SCI: 000322095300011/1.238/1/0, EI: 20132716470522)

[58] Liu Honwei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A signal-strength model for gravity-field spectrum components in a local space[J]. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 55(5): 1017-1026 (SCI000314227900010/1.138/0)

[59] 谷振丰,王兆魁,张育林. 基于卫星自旋的纯引力轨道万有引力干扰抑制[J].中国空间科学技术,2013年第4

[60] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内编队地球重力场测量性能数值分析[J].国防科技大学学报, 2013, 35(4): 14-19. (EI: 20134416913991)

[61] 谷振丰, 刘红卫, 王兆魁,张育林. 基于引力位系数相对权重的卫星重力场测量分析[J].地球物理学进展,Vol.28 No.1(2013) pp0017-0023

[62] Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Acquirement of Pure Gravity Orbit Using Precise Formation Flying Technology[J]. Acta Astronautica 82(2013), pp124-128. (SCI: 000312629000015/0.816/9/4, EI:20124715686669) 

[63] 唐生勇,王兆魁,邢宝玉,张育林. 基于太阳能热推进的应急飞行器系统优化设计[J]. 航天器环境工程,Vol.29,No.6(2012) pp691-695

[64] Gu Zhenfeng*, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Compensation of gravitational attraction disturbance to pure gravity orbit for Inner Formation Flying System[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2012,81(2):635-644. (SCI000311467200025/0.701/5/1, EI: 20124515648527)

[65] Gu Z F*, Wang Z K, Zhang Y L. Analysis of residual gas disturbance on the inner satellite of Inner Formation Flying System[J]. Sci China Tech Sci. 2012,55:2511-2517, doi:10.1007/s 1431-012-4962-y:2511-2517 SCI:000307623500017/1.187/6/2, EI:20123815446301

[66] Hong-wei Liu,Zhao-kui Wang, Yu-lin Zhang. Analysis of radiometer effect on proof mass in purely gravitational orbit, Appl. Math. Mech. –Engl. Ed. 33(5),583-592(2012) (SCI000303868700004/0.647/2/0EI: 20122215068739)

[67] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 纯引力轨道验证质量辐射计效应与气体阻尼耦合模型的数值分析。国防科技大学学报, (2012)Vol.34 No.4 7-12 (EI: 20124415622895)

[68] 王兆魁,安梅岩. 分离模块集群航天器无线自组织网络[J] .863航天航空技术,2012.1

[69] Liu H W, Wang Z K, Zhang Y L. Coupled modeling and analysis of radiometer effect and residual gas damping on proof mass in purely gravitational orbit[J]. Sci China Tech Sci, (2011)54, 894-902 (SCI:000289736900017  EI:20111613918285

[70] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内卫星辐射计效应建模与分析[J].空间科学学报,Vol.30 No.3(2010) 243-249

[71] 蒋超,王兆魁,范丽,张育林. 卫星筒式偏心在轨分离动力学分析[J].飞行力学,Vol.28 No.1(2010)76-79

[72] 王兆魁,张育林. 推力方向受限条件下的编队构型变结构控制[J].宇航学报,Vol. 30. No.2(2009) 572-578(EI: 20093812841972) 

[73] Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Design and Verification of a Robust Formation Keeping Controller[J]. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 61(2007).565-574.( SCI:187SB,EI:072310642022)

[74] 王兆魁, 张育林. 面向空间目标监视的星图模拟器设计与实现[J].系统仿真学报, Vol.18 No.5(2006) 11951198 (EI:2006249938556)

[75] 王兆魁, 张育林. 一种CCD星图星点快速定位算法[J]. 空间科学学报,Vol.26 No.3(2006) 209-214

[76] 王兆魁, 张育林. 一种分布式卫星构形变换路径规划方法[J]. 航天控制,Vol.24 No.1(2006) 4-8

[77] 王兆魁, 张育林. 分布式卫星精确构形保持变结构控制[J]. 航天控制,Vol.23 No.6(2005) 27-30

[78] 李新洪, 曾国强, 王兆魁. 分布式卫星编队仿真系统[J]. 计算机仿真, Vol.22 No.12(2005) 38-40

[79] 王兆魁,张育林. 分布式卫星群构形初始化控制策略,宇航学报[J]Vol.25 No. 3(2004) 334-337

[80] 王兆魁,张育林,刘昆. 一种共轨道面双星环绕编队飞行的方法[J]. 飞行力学,Vol.20No.2(2002) 43-46

Conference Papers

[1] He Yunhan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. AN ELECTROMAGNETIC SEPARATION SYSTEM FOR A SPHERICAL SATELLITE, 71st International Astronautical Congress 2020Dubaionline

[2] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Analysis on Self-Organizing Control Mechanism for Mega Constellations, 71st International Astronautical Congress 2020Dubaionline

[3] Hu, Ruijun, Wang Zhaokui. "A Lunar Robot Obstacle Avoidance Planning Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data Fusion." In 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), pp. 5365-5370. IEEE, 2019. (优秀论文二等奖)

[4] Li Boxin, Zheng Gangtie, Wang Zhaokui. Attitude Control of the Vehicle with Six In-Wheel Drive and Adaptive Hydro Pneumatic Suspensions. No. 2019-01-0456. SAE Technical Paper, 2019.

[5] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui. Orbit Determination for Micro Satellite in Cislunar Space Based on Machine Vision[C]. 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Changsha, China, 2018

[6] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui. Decomposition Analysis of Spacecraft Relative Motion under Perturbations[C]. 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Changsha, China, 2018

[7] Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Architecture Design and Analysis of an Reusable Cislunar Transportation System from LEO Space  Station[C] 68th International Astronautical Congress(IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. IAC-17,D2,8-A5.4,3,x40785

[8] Xun Wang, Zhaokui Wang, and Yulin Zhang, Research of Reconfiguration Technology for Spacecraft Cluster Control system Based on Wireless Network. The 7th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems[C], Hawaii, USA. 31 July-4 August, 2017.

[9] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin, OPTIONS FOR STAGING ORBIT OF LUNAR ORBITAL STATION[C], 3rd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems,Moscow,Russia, May 30- June 1,2017

[10] Yunhan, H., Zhaokui, W., Yunlin, Z., Design of an Intergrated Full-view-field Sun Sensor Used for BallSat, 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation[C], Berlin, Germany, April 24-28, 2017

[11] Zhaokui, W., Zeyang, Z., Yulin, Z., Tsinghua Scientific Satellite: the Mission Overview and Rescent Progress in Development[C], Berlin, Germany, April 24-28, 2017

[12] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Verification of proof mass tracking based on a prototype of inner-formation control system[C]. AIAA SPACE 2016, Long Beach, U.S., 2016.(EI 20164703044954)

[13] Taibo LiJunhua XiangZhaokui Wang. Formation Control Method for LEO Satellite based on the Extreme Value of Deviation[C]. The Small Satellites & Services Symposium, Malta,May 30-June 3,2016

[14] Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Agent-based Modeling and Evaluation of Manned Lunar Exploration Mission[C] 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016. IAC-16,D2,8-A5.4,8,x33422EI20171403524233

[15] Wang ZhaokuiGao YongfeiZhang Yulin. Cislunar Transfer Orbit Design for Nanosats[C]. 67th IAC, Guadalajara, Mexico,2016

[16] 安梅岩,王兆魁,张育林. 基于椭圆空腔虚拟势场的航天器集群控制方法. 第一届空天安全会议[C],烟台,2015年8月(推荐至海军航空工程学院学报)

[17] 王训, 王兆魁,张育林. 基于无线网络的集群航天器控制系统重构技术研究[C]. 第一届空天安全会议, 烟台, 2015年8月(推荐至指挥控制学报)

[18] An Meiyan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Self-Organizing Control for Intelligent Spacecraft Cluster Based on Virtual Force Field. 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying [C]. The 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[19] Zhang Binbin, Wang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin, Space debris cloud distribution evolution and its effect on satellite constellations[C]. The 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[20] Liu Hongwei, Wang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin, Mission Analysis and Optimization Design Methods for Gravity Field Measurement by Satellite Formation Flying[C], Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[21] 文援兰,朱俊,王兆魁. 复合内编队重力场测量系统厘米级定轨方法研究[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月

[22] 侯振东,王兆魁,张育林. 光学影像内卫星相对位置测量性能分析与实验方案设计[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月(基金论文)

[23] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 星星跟踪重力场测量任务优化设计方法[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月(优秀论文)

[24] An Meiyan, Fan Li, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Design for Self-Organizing Target Detection System Based on Artificial Swarms. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration[C]. BeijingChina. September 28-30, 2014.CPCI-S0003588878700073  EI 20150400443852

[25] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. An Improved Initial Constraint among Differential Orbital Elements for the J2 Invariant Relative Motion[C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-05-09. 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy(EI 20162102411700)

[26] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Performance Analysis and Experimental Design for Differential Optical Shadow Sensor [C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-06-05. 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy(EI 20162102411705)

[27] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Improved Design of On-orbit Separation Schemes for formation initialization based on J2 perturbation[C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-08-08, 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, v153, p831-844, 2015.(EI 20162102411722)

Dr. Wang Zhaokui has been working as professor (tenured in 2022) in Tsinghua University since 2009 in the field of spacecraft formation flying, system engineering of space scientific satellite. He is the head of Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics Engineering, founder and director of Distributed and Intelligent Space System Laboratory (DSSL). He received Ph.D. and B.S. degrees in aerospace engineering from National University of Defense Technology (China)..

Dr. Wang's research focus on small satellite of scientific exploration and enabling technology of distributed space systems. He is chief designer of Tsinghua Scientific Satellite (Q-Sat) which launched on Aug 6th in 2020. He devotes his efforts on intersection of advanced astrodynamics, space mission analysis and design, and multi-agent control of spacecraft in order to meet the urgent needs in these novel space architectures. The most recent concept proposed by Dr. Wang is a personal assistant satellite for astronauts in Chinese Space Station.

Journal Papers

[1] Yunhan, He, Wang Zhaokui*, and Zhang Yulin. "The electromagnetic separation system for the small spherical satellite Q-SAT." Acta Astronautica (2021).

[2] Li, Taibo, Zhaokui Wang*, and Yulin Zhang. "A homotopy approach connecting time-optimal with fuel-optimal trajectories." Astrophysics and Space Science 366.1 (2021): 1-9.

[3] Qingyun, Fang, Zhang Lin, and Wang Zhaokui*. "An Efficient Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection in Remote Sensing Imagery." IEEE Access 8 (2020): 93058-93068.

[4] G. Lingyun, Z. Lin and W. Zhaokui*, "Hierarchical Attention-Based Astronaut Gesture Recognition: A Dataset and CNN Model," in IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 68787-68798, 2020.

[5] Zhao, Xuexuan, Zhaokui Wang, and Gangtie Zheng. "Two-Phase Neural Combinatorial Optimization with Reinforcement Learning for Agile Satellite Scheduling." Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17.7 (2020): 346-357.

[6] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Low thrust Earth–Moon transfer trajectories via lunar capture set.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.12 (2019): 219.

[7] 方青云,王兆魁. "基于改进 YOLOv3 网络的遥感目标快速检测方法." 上海航天 36.5 (2019): 21-27.

[8] 段建锋, 刘勇, 李勰, 陈明,王兆魁. "“嫦娥 4 号” 中继星任务轨道确定问题初探.[J]" 深空探测学报 5, no. 6 (2019): 531-538.

[9] 段建锋, 李勰, 李翠兰, and 王兆魁. "“嫦娥 4 号” 中继星使命轨道段定轨计算与分析.[J]" 深空探测学报 2019  03 (2019): 247-253.

[10] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Bounded flight and collision avoidance control for satellite clusters using intersatellite flight bounds.[J]" Aerospace Science and Technology 94 (2019): 105425.

[11] Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Double-homotopy technique for fuel optimization of power-limited interplanetary trajectories.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.9 (2019): 144.

[12] Zhao, Xuexuan, Wang Zhaokui, Cui Yanzhe, Zheng Gangtie. "Novel Ontology-Based Method for Generating Satellite Cluster’s Task Configuration.[J]" Journal of Aerospace Information Systems 17, no. 2 (2020): 86-96.

[13] Duan Jianfeng, Wang Zhaokui*. "Orbit determination of CE-4′ s relay satellite in Earth-Moon L2 libration point orbit[J]." Advances in Space Research 64.11 (2019): 2345-2355.

[14] Zhao Zeyang, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "A Spherical Micro Satellite Design and Detection Method for Upper Atmospheric Density Estimation. [J]" International Journal of Aerospace Engineering 2019 (2019).

[15] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. "Decomposition analysis of spacecraft relative motion with different inter-satellite ranges.[J]" Acta Astronautica 163 (2019): 56-68.

[16] Wang Xun, Wang Zhaokui *, Zhang Yulin. "Automated Orbital Transfer and Hovering Control Using Artificial Potential.[J]" Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2019 (2019).

[17] Zilong, Cheng, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. "Analysis and optimization of lunar exploration architecture based on reusable human spacecraft." Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets 56.3 (2019): 910-918.

[18] Zhang Binbin, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Discrete evolution model based on mean spatial density for space debris environment.[J]" Astrophysics and Space Science 364.4 (2019): 70.

[19] Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui *, Zhang Yulin. "A person-following nanosatellite for in-cabin astronaut assistance: System design and deep-learning-based astronaut visual tracking implementation.[J]" Acta Astronautica (2019)121-134

[20] Zhao Zeyang, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Low magnetic disturbance analysis and testing of a novel proof mass type for gravitational reference sensor system.[J]" Advances in Mechanical Engineering 11.2 (2019): 1687814019828455.

[21] Wang Zhaokui*, Hou Zhendong*, Zhang Yulin. "Improvement of the Long-Term Orbit Prediction for LEO Navigation Satellites Using the Inner Formation Method.[J]" IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 55.5 (2019): 2532-2542.

[22] Wang Zhaokui, Xu Yun*, Jiang Chao, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control for satellite clusters using artificial potential function in terms of relative orbital elements[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology 84(2019) 799-811.

[23] Wang Xun, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. "Stereovision-based relative states and inertia parameter estimation of noncooperative spacecraft.[J]" Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering 233.7 (2019): 2489-2502.

[24] Xun Wang, Zhaokui Wang*, Yulin Zhang. Model Predictive Control to Autonomously Approach a Failed Spacecraft[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering(2018)

[25] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Analytical Design Methods for Transfer Trajectories between the Earth and the Lunar Orbital Station[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science, (2018)363:206

[26] 张锐,王兆魁. 基于深度学习的空间站舱内服务机器人视觉跟踪研究[J]. 上海航天. 2018.10

[27] 王啸臻,王兆魁,张育林. 基于相关峰细化延时估计的舱内服务机器人发话人定位研究[J],上海航天. 2018.10

[28] Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Multi-objective trajectory optimization for a hybrid propulsion system[J].Advances in Space Research, 622018):1102-1113

[29] Zhang Rui, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Astronaut Visual Tracking of Flying Assistant Robot in Space Station based on Deep Learning and Probabilistic Model[J]. International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2018. 

[30] 张育林, 张斌斌,王兆魁. "空间碎片环境的长期演化建模方法.[J]" 宇航学报 39.12 (2018): 1408-1418.

[31] 高永飞, 王兆魁. 微纳卫星L1Halo轨道转移轨道设计[J]. 深空探测学报, 2017, 4(1): 72-76.

[32] 王训, 王兆魁, 张育林.基于合作博弈的智能集群自主聚集策略[J].国防科技大学学报, 201739(2): 146-151.

[33] Zhang Bingbin,Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Collision risk investigation for an operational spacecraft caused by space debris[J]. Astrophysics and Space Science,362(4) April 2017.SCI 000396814300010/1.678/0

[34] An Meiyan*, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Self-organizing control strategy for asteroid intelligent detection swarm based on attraction and repulsion. Acta Astronautica, 130(2017).84-96. (SCI 000389283900010/1.155/0 EI 20164703026630)

[35] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Innovative Optical Power Detection Array System for Relative Positioning of Inner-Formation Flying System [J]. Astrophysics and Space Science,Vol.316, No.9 (2016):313 .SCI 000382146100036/1.678/0

[36] 张斌斌,王兆魁,张育林. 空间物体解体碎片云的长期演化建模与分析[J].中国空间科学技术, 2016,36(5):1-8.

[37] Wei ZHENG, Zhaokui WANG, Yanwei DING, Zhaowei LI. Accurate Establishment of Error Models for the Satellite Gravity Gradiometry Recovery and Requirements Analysis for the Future GOCE Follow-On Mission[J]. Acta Geophysica, vol. 64, no. 3, June 2016, pp. 732-754. (SCI 000378063700009/1.061/0)

[38] Taibo LiJunhua XiangZhaokui WangYulin Zhang. Circluar revisit orbits design for responsive mission over a single target. Acta Astronautica, 127(2016).219-225. SCI 000383525100021/1.155/3/3  EI 20162402495847

[39] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Position Determination and Measurement Error Analysis for the Spherical Proof Mass with Optical Shadow Sensing [J]. Acta Astronautica, 126(2016) 215-228,SCI 000382412200024/1.155/1/0  EI 20162002379163.

[40] An MeiyanWang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin.Self-organizing strategy design and validation for integrated air-ground detection swarm. Jorunal of systems engineering and electronics.Vol.27, No.5,(2016) 1018-1027 SCI 000387629100010/0.568/0  EI 20165203186050

[41] Zhang Binbin, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. An analytic method of space debris cloud evolution and its collision evaluation for constellation satellites, Advances in Space Research, 58(2016) 903-913.SCI 000381837900009/1.409/0  EI 20162802578365

[42] 安梅岩,王兆魁,张育林. 人工智能集群控制演示验证系统. 机器人,Vol.38,No.3(2016) 265-275 (EI 20163602766351)

[43] Hongwei Liu, Zhaokui Wang*, Yulin Zhang. The analytical methods for gravity field measurement performance of satellite formation[J]. Int. J. Space Science and Engineering, Vol.4 No.1, 2016

[44] Zhang Yulin*, Wang Zhaokui*. Space Traffic Safety Management and Control. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS. 17(2016) 1189-1192 SCI000373133600028, IF2.337/0  EI 20162202448205

[45] Dang Zhaohui, Li Taibo, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Bounds on maximal and minimal distances for coplanar satellite relative motion under given initial conditions[J], AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY. 46(2015),204-209 (SCI: 000363345500021/1.751/1/0  EI 20153301169334)

[46] 侯振东, 王兆魁, 张育林. 纯引力轨道检验质量的相对测量技术.力学进展, 2015, 45: 201509: 496-520 EI20154601556823

[47] Zhaohui Dang, Taibo Li, Zhaokui Wang, Yulin Zhang. Bounds on maximal and minimal distances for coplanar satellite relative motion under given initial conditions[J]Aerospace Science and Technology, October–November 2015, 46: 204–209.  

[48] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Development of the New Approach of Formation Initialization Using Spring Separation Mechanism Considering J2 Perturbation[J]. Advances in Space Research, 55(2015)2616-2627SCI000355024600013/1.409/2/2  EI 20151100646050

[49] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang YulinImproved Initialization Conditions and Single Impulsive Maneuvers for J2-Invariant Relative Orbits[J]. Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy, 2015,121(3), 301-327 [SCI:000349237800005](IF:2.084)/1/1

[50] 侯振东,王兆魁,张育林. 基于推力器的组合航天器质量特性辨识方法研究[J].航天控制. Vol.33,No.1(2015)

[51] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 星星跟踪重力场测量任务优化设计方法[J]. 测绘通报, 2015(1): 2-7.

[52] An Meiyan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A Hardware-in-Loop Simulation System for Fractionated Spacecraft Cluster[J]. Journal of Aerospace Science and Technology 1-2(2015). 61-69

[53] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of Relative Hovering Control for Spacecraft. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, (2014)37, 1091-1102 [SCI:000338016500005/1.291/9/9,EI:20142817913096]

[54] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and analysis of the bounds of periodical satellite relative motion, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics[J], (2014)37, 1984-1998. [SCI: 000343924400018/1.291/5/2,EI: 201444134233]

[55] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内编队重力场测量系统轨道参数与载荷指标设计方法[J].地球物理学进展,201328(4)PP1707~1713

[56] 杨雪榕, 范丽, 王兆魁. 武器装备体系平行实验概念与方法的讨论[J],国防科技,Vol34No32013

[57] Liu Hongwei, Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Modeling and Analysis of Earth's Gravity Field Measurement Performance by Inner-formation Flying System. Advances in Space Research522013pp451-465(SCI: 000322095300011/1.238/1/0, EI: 20132716470522)

[58] Liu Honwei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. A signal-strength model for gravity-field spectrum components in a local space[J]. ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS, 2012, 55(5): 1017-1026 (SCI000314227900010/1.138/0)

[59] 谷振丰,王兆魁,张育林. 基于卫星自旋的纯引力轨道万有引力干扰抑制[J].中国空间科学技术,2013年第4

[60] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内编队地球重力场测量性能数值分析[J].国防科技大学学报, 2013, 35(4): 14-19. (EI: 20134416913991)

[61] 谷振丰, 刘红卫, 王兆魁,张育林. 基于引力位系数相对权重的卫星重力场测量分析[J].地球物理学进展,Vol.28 No.1(2013) pp0017-0023

[62] Wang Zhaokui*, Zhang Yulin. Acquirement of Pure Gravity Orbit Using Precise Formation Flying Technology[J]. Acta Astronautica 82(2013), pp124-128. (SCI: 000312629000015/0.816/9/4, EI:20124715686669) 

[63] 唐生勇,王兆魁,邢宝玉,张育林. 基于太阳能热推进的应急飞行器系统优化设计[J]. 航天器环境工程,Vol.29,No.6(2012) pp691-695

[64] Gu Zhenfeng*, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Compensation of gravitational attraction disturbance to pure gravity orbit for Inner Formation Flying System[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2012,81(2):635-644. (SCI000311467200025/0.701/5/1, EI: 20124515648527)

[65] Gu Z F*, Wang Z K, Zhang Y L. Analysis of residual gas disturbance on the inner satellite of Inner Formation Flying System[J]. Sci China Tech Sci. 2012,55:2511-2517, doi:10.1007/s 1431-012-4962-y:2511-2517 SCI:000307623500017/1.187/6/2, EI:20123815446301

[66] Hong-wei Liu,Zhao-kui Wang, Yu-lin Zhang. Analysis of radiometer effect on proof mass in purely gravitational orbit, Appl. Math. Mech. –Engl. Ed. 33(5),583-592(2012) (SCI000303868700004/0.647/2/0EI: 20122215068739)

[67] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 纯引力轨道验证质量辐射计效应与气体阻尼耦合模型的数值分析。国防科技大学学报, (2012)Vol.34 No.4 7-12 (EI: 20124415622895)

[68] 王兆魁,安梅岩. 分离模块集群航天器无线自组织网络[J] .863航天航空技术,2012.1

[69] Liu H W, Wang Z K, Zhang Y L. Coupled modeling and analysis of radiometer effect and residual gas damping on proof mass in purely gravitational orbit[J]. Sci China Tech Sci, (2011)54, 894-902 (SCI:000289736900017  EI:20111613918285

[70] 刘红卫,王兆魁,张育林. 内卫星辐射计效应建模与分析[J].空间科学学报,Vol.30 No.3(2010) 243-249

[71] 蒋超,王兆魁,范丽,张育林. 卫星筒式偏心在轨分离动力学分析[J].飞行力学,Vol.28 No.1(2010)76-79

[72] 王兆魁,张育林. 推力方向受限条件下的编队构型变结构控制[J].宇航学报,Vol. 30. No.2(2009) 572-578(EI: 20093812841972) 

[73] Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Design and Verification of a Robust Formation Keeping Controller[J]. ACTA ASTRONAUTICA 61(2007).565-574.( SCI:187SB,EI:072310642022)

[74] 王兆魁, 张育林. 面向空间目标监视的星图模拟器设计与实现[J].系统仿真学报, Vol.18 No.5(2006) 11951198 (EI:2006249938556)

[75] 王兆魁, 张育林. 一种CCD星图星点快速定位算法[J]. 空间科学学报,Vol.26 No.3(2006) 209-214

[76] 王兆魁, 张育林. 一种分布式卫星构形变换路径规划方法[J]. 航天控制,Vol.24 No.1(2006) 4-8

[77] 王兆魁, 张育林. 分布式卫星精确构形保持变结构控制[J]. 航天控制,Vol.23 No.6(2005) 27-30

[78] 李新洪, 曾国强, 王兆魁. 分布式卫星编队仿真系统[J]. 计算机仿真, Vol.22 No.12(2005) 38-40

[79] 王兆魁,张育林. 分布式卫星群构形初始化控制策略,宇航学报[J]Vol.25 No. 3(2004) 334-337

[80] 王兆魁,张育林,刘昆. 一种共轨道面双星环绕编队飞行的方法[J]. 飞行力学,Vol.20No.2(2002) 43-46

Conference Papers

[1] He Yunhan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. AN ELECTROMAGNETIC SEPARATION SYSTEM FOR A SPHERICAL SATELLITE, 71st International Astronautical Congress 2020Dubaionline

[2] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Analysis on Self-Organizing Control Mechanism for Mega Constellations, 71st International Astronautical Congress 2020Dubaionline

[3] Hu, Ruijun, Wang Zhaokui. "A Lunar Robot Obstacle Avoidance Planning Method Using Deep Reinforcement Learning for Data Fusion." In 2019 Chinese Automation Congress (CAC), pp. 5365-5370. IEEE, 2019. (优秀论文二等奖)

[4] Li Boxin, Zheng Gangtie, Wang Zhaokui. Attitude Control of the Vehicle with Six In-Wheel Drive and Adaptive Hydro Pneumatic Suspensions. No. 2019-01-0456. SAE Technical Paper, 2019.

[5] Xu Yun, Wang Zhaokui. Orbit Determination for Micro Satellite in Cislunar Space Based on Machine Vision[C]. 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Changsha, China, 2018

[6] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui. Decomposition Analysis of Spacecraft Relative Motion under Perturbations[C]. 4th IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Changsha, China, 2018

[7] Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Architecture Design and Analysis of an Reusable Cislunar Transportation System from LEO Space  Station[C] 68th International Astronautical Congress(IAC), Adelaide, Australia, 25-29 September 2017. IAC-17,D2,8-A5.4,3,x40785

[8] Xun Wang, Zhaokui Wang, and Yulin Zhang, Research of Reconfiguration Technology for Spacecraft Cluster Control system Based on Wireless Network. The 7th IEEE International Conference on CYBER Technology in Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems[C], Hawaii, USA. 31 July-4 August, 2017.

[9] Gao Yongfei, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin, OPTIONS FOR STAGING ORBIT OF LUNAR ORBITAL STATION[C], 3rd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems,Moscow,Russia, May 30- June 1,2017

[10] Yunhan, H., Zhaokui, W., Yunlin, Z., Design of an Intergrated Full-view-field Sun Sensor Used for BallSat, 11th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation[C], Berlin, Germany, April 24-28, 2017

[11] Zhaokui, W., Zeyang, Z., Yulin, Z., Tsinghua Scientific Satellite: the Mission Overview and Rescent Progress in Development[C], Berlin, Germany, April 24-28, 2017

[12] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, and Zhang Yulin. Verification of proof mass tracking based on a prototype of inner-formation control system[C]. AIAA SPACE 2016, Long Beach, U.S., 2016.(EI 20164703044954)

[13] Taibo LiJunhua XiangZhaokui Wang. Formation Control Method for LEO Satellite based on the Extreme Value of Deviation[C]. The Small Satellites & Services Symposium, Malta,May 30-June 3,2016

[14] Cheng Zilong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Agent-based Modeling and Evaluation of Manned Lunar Exploration Mission[C] 67th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Guadalajara, Mexico, 26-30 September 2016. IAC-16,D2,8-A5.4,8,x33422EI20171403524233

[15] Wang ZhaokuiGao YongfeiZhang Yulin. Cislunar Transfer Orbit Design for Nanosats[C]. 67th IAC, Guadalajara, Mexico,2016

[16] 安梅岩,王兆魁,张育林. 基于椭圆空腔虚拟势场的航天器集群控制方法. 第一届空天安全会议[C],烟台,2015年8月(推荐至海军航空工程学院学报)

[17] 王训, 王兆魁,张育林. 基于无线网络的集群航天器控制系统重构技术研究[C]. 第一届空天安全会议, 烟台, 2015年8月(推荐至指挥控制学报)

[18] An Meiyan, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Self-Organizing Control for Intelligent Spacecraft Cluster Based on Virtual Force Field. 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying [C]. The 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[19] Zhang Binbin, Wang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin, Space debris cloud distribution evolution and its effect on satellite constellations[C]. The 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[20] Liu Hongwei, Wang ZhaokuiZhang Yulin, Mission Analysis and Optimization Design Methods for Gravity Field Measurement by Satellite Formation Flying[C], Delft, Netherlands, June, 2015

[21] 文援兰,朱俊,王兆魁. 复合内编队重力场测量系统厘米级定轨方法研究[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月

[22] 侯振东,王兆魁,张育林. 光学影像内卫星相对位置测量性能分析与实验方案设计[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月(基金论文)

[23] 刘红卫, 王兆魁, 张育林. 星星跟踪重力场测量任务优化设计方法[C]. 第三届高分辨率对地观测学术年会, 北京, 2014年12月(优秀论文)

[24] An Meiyan, Fan Li, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Design for Self-Organizing Target Detection System Based on Artificial Swarms. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Multisensor Fusion and Information Integration[C]. BeijingChina. September 28-30, 2014.CPCI-S0003588878700073  EI 20150400443852

[25] Dang Zhaohui, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. An Improved Initial Constraint among Differential Orbital Elements for the J2 Invariant Relative Motion[C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-05-09. 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy(EI 20162102411700)

[26] Hou Zhendong, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Performance Analysis and Experimental Design for Differential Optical Shadow Sensor [C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-06-05. 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy(EI 20162102411705)

[27] Jiang Chao, Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin. Improved Design of On-orbit Separation Schemes for formation initialization based on J2 perturbation[C]. IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-08-08, 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems March 24-26, 2014, Roma, Italy. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, v153, p831-844, 2015.(EI 20162102411722)

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