Dr. Meng Aattended the 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference!

Dr. Meng Qingliang attended the 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference during April 2-7 at Vienna International Center, Austria. He presented two posters entitled Spherical Mobile Robot for Asteroid Exploration and Defense and Optimal Design Of Kinetic Energy Impact Asteroid Orbit Based On Multiple Spacecraft. These two posters are based on the latest study in asteroid defense and exploration conducted by Li Boxin and Fan Wenbao, respectively. Dr. Meng also exchanged idea on planetary defense...


Dr. Meng Qingliang attended the 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference during April 2-7 at Vienna International Center, Austria. He presented two posters entitled Spherical Mobile Robot for Asteroid Exploration and Defense and Optimal Design Of Kinetic Energy Impact Asteroid Orbit Based On Multiple Spacecraft. These two posters are based on the latest study in asteroid defense and exploration conducted by Li Boxin and Fan Wenbao, respectively. Dr. Meng also exchanged idea on planetary defense with international scholars.




The IAA Planetary Defense Conference is a five-day, biannual meeting that is organized by the International Academy of Astronautics. The 8th PDC was held in cooperation with ESA, the Commission for Geosciences of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and UNOOSA. Symposium topics are focused on detecting and tracking asteroids and comets that might be hazardous to our planet, characteristics of these objects, deflecting a threatening object should one be detected, the nature of impact disasters, and the political, legal and policy issues that must be considered as part of an overall mitigation strategy.
