Onthe morning of December 2, 2024, Professor Massimiliano Vasiledelivered an academic lecture at the School of Aerospace Engineering,Tsinghua University. The lecture was divided into three parts:
1. "AIand Computational Astrodynamics"
2. "Introduceongoing research projects and progress in Strathclyde AerospaceCentre of Excellence"
3. "How to write and publish high-level academic papers: Perspective fromthe Associate Editor of JGCD "
Prof.Vasile also engaged in an in-depth discussion with students,providing valuable insights and answering questions on various topicsrelated to astrodynamics and academic publishing. The lectureconcluded in a friendly and engaging atmosphere, leaving studentsinspired and eager to apply the knowledge shared.
AboutProf. Massimiliano Vasile:
MassimilianoVasile is currently Professor of Space Systems Engineering andDirector of the Aerospace Centre of Excellence at the University ofStrathclyde. His research focuses on computational astrodynamics,space mission analysis, and optimization techniques for spacesystems. Prof. Vasile is also an Associate Editor for the Journal ofGuidance, Control, and Dynamics and has published widely in thefields of space systems engineering and astrodynamics.