FromOctober 14 to 18, DSSL Prof. Wang Zhaokui, along with post-doc WenGuangwei, Ph.D. student Fang Zhengqing, M.S student Lee Kin Thong andassistant Zhan Xi participated in the 75th InternationalAstronautical Congress (IAC) in Milan, Italy.
DSSL Members at IAC 2024, Milan, Italy
Inrecognition of his many years of achievement in the field ofastronautics, Prof. Wang Zhaokui was awarded the correspondingmember of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA).
FangZhengqing made a presentation entitled “Multi-Target ContinuousCoverage Constellation Using Low-Thrust Reconfiguration Strategy”.This study is based on his latest research on constellation designand configuration control. He also introduced the research “Modellingof Relative Motion Constraint for Mega Constellations under MinimumCoverage Multiplicity Requirement”. This study about constraintfor mega constellations under minimum coverage multiplicityrequirement is based on work of DSSL alumni Xu Yun.
Ph.D. Student Fang Zhengqing and his research “Multi-TargetContinuous Coverage Constellation Using Low-Thrust ReconfigurationStrategy”
LeeKin Thong made a presentation entitled “Analyzing the influenceof Asteroids Geometry and Interception Angle to the Gains ofOff-Center Impact Strategy in Asteroid Kinetic Missions”. Thisstudy is based on his lastest research on planetary defense.
M.S. Student Lee Kin Thong and his research “Analyzing theinfluence of Asteroids Geometry and Interception Angle to the Gainsof Off-Center Impact Strategy in Asteroid Kinetic Missions”
GuangweiWen presented the latest techniques to improve the accuracy ofdetecting the Earth’s atmospheric density. The main objective is toenhance the drag coefficient accuracy for the spherical Q-Satsatellite, which was developed and launched by our DSSL lab. Thetitle of the presentation is “Evidence of Spacecraft DragCoefficient Variation by Q-Sat Precise Orbit Determination Data andNumerical Simulation.”
Post-doc Wen Guangwei and his research “Evidence of Spacecraft DragCoefficient Variation by Q-Sat Precise Orbit Determination Data andNumerical Simulation”
Themodel of Tsinghua Gravity and Atmospheric Science Satellite (Q-Sat)was shown in the exhibition.
Modelof Tsinghua Gravity and Atmospheric Science Satellite (Q-Sat) shownin the IAC Exhibition
Membersfrom DSSL also exchanged ideas on their studies with internationalscholars. DSSL's international reach was greatly highlighted at theconference.
Prof. Wang Zhaokui, Prof. Klaus Schilling and Ph.D. Student FangZhengqing
Discussing with International Scholars
The75th International Astronautical Congress (IAC 2024) was held inMilan, Italy, from October 14 to 18, 2024. Organized by theInternational Astronautical Federation (IAF) and hosted by theItalian Association of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIDAA), withco-hosts Italian Space Agency (ASI) and Leonardo, the congressbrought together over 8,000 experts from industry, research, andinstitutions.
IAC2024 link: